We help prepare young children for the academic setting, especially when they struggle with problem behaviors or are not familiar with typical school routines, which require the child to know basic learning and language skills, including:
· Sitting for sustained periods of time
· Attending to instructions
· Participating in group activities
· Engaging in collaborative play with friends
· Completing 2-3 step routines
· Requesting for needs and wants (to adults and peers)
· Completing simple play activities independently
We can also help children who are already in a school setting and struggle with learning deficits or have difficulty learning to read, write or complete age-appropriate academic tasks.
We typically begin with a careful assessment of the skills the child has, and identify where the child needs specific supports, which pre-requisite skills they need to learn and how to teach the child so they can be successful at learning.
Using ABA to teach academic and pre-academic skills allows us to focus on building strong and fluent learners, helping them stay motivated and on-task and finding enjoyment in completing learning activities.